Wednesday, October 30, 2019

ERP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

ERP - Essay Example No doubt, Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems ongoing as a means for inventory control and grow to put back islands of in order by integrating customary organization functions, such as financials, payroll, and person resources, with other functions counting developed and sharing. Currently, the complexity of commerce is creating new consumer needs; the enlargement of computers is raising new potential; the mission for new markets by vendors has known users a new influence; and ERP is evolving one time once more. SAP is the world's most important supplier of industry software solutions, and is the third-largest self-governing software vendor in the earth with additional than 64,500 installations in 120 countries. No doubt, extra than 20,000 companies are with SAP solutions. In 2002 SAP had approximately $7.8 billion in sales. It was founded in 1972 by five previous IBM workers; Dietmar Hopp, Hans-Werner Hector, Hasso Plattner, Klaus Tschira, and Claus Wellenreuther. Moreover, their dream was to develop normal application software for real-time industry dispensation. Therefore, the business is headquartered in Weinheim, Germany with its major place of work in nearby Mannheim. The corporation is still a confidential business. Henning Kagermann is the CEO of SAP. SAP continues to guide the marketplace by staying in front of rivalry and listening to their clientele wants. According to the expert analysis in 2000, with the internet captivating off, SAP turned its center to the user and urbanized mySAP Workplace and cemented the way for the thought of an enterprise doorway and role-specific access to in order. In 2003 SAP introduced NetWeaver which provided their clientele with solutions for end-to-end business processes. On December 15th, SAP announce that they are preliminary a computer security repair for its business clientele. In the repair, SAP searches customers' industry systems distantly for vulnerabilities in their safety settings. In addition to inquisitive its possess software, SAP checks Internet gateways, user authorizations and interfaces to other systems throughout the assessment, which lasts one or two days. As part of the psychoanalysis, SAP delivers a report detailing safety gaps and recommending action. This is now another instance of how SAP listens to their users and adapts to the wants of their clientele. Oracle provides a great deal of the similar options as SAP for commerce solutions. The largest dissimilarity being that SAP approach as one commerce suite and Oracle can be bought this method or as person pieces needed for one's exacting commerce. One big pharmaceutical corporation that has purchased and implemented Oracle software is a small corporation you may have heard of previous to, Pfizer. Rob Goodwin of Pfizer had this to say concerning Oracle, "Oracle has provided high-class, enterprise level software, so that somewhat than center on IT; we can center on the science. Furthermore, we bring in order from surface to surface web portals into Oracle databases; then there that in order to scientists, in order technologists, to whoever needs the in order" Citibank and Visa are also great corporations

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Advantages of eBooks Versus Traditional Books Essay Example for Free

The Advantages of eBooks Versus Traditional Books Essay The Advantages of eBooks Versus Traditional Books By Jill Harness While you’re browsing the electronic bookshelves of an online bookstore, you may be tempted to buying a lower-priced eBook over a physical copy. Before you buy either version though, it’s important to realize that there are definite advantages and disadvantages of each, you should always evaluate your own needs before deciding. The following are some of the advantages of eBooks over physical titles: Travel.  If you’re on the go a lot, you know how heavy regular titles are, particularly if you intend to finish one book while you are out and need to bring another book with you. eBooks allow you to bring a whole library with you wherever you go. You can switch between titles with ease and the weight is lighter than a standard paperback. Storage. Those who own a lot of books know how much space they can take up, but with a reader, your bookshelf is located on a small handheld device, your computer or on both. This will save you a lot of storage space and also means you have a backup online if something happens to your books. Price. eBooks are often cheaper in the long run because there are no printing fees associated with them. In fact, you can often find free eBooks online, whereas physical books almost always cost you something. You must remember however, that readers are not free, you are going to spend a good amount upfront for a device like this. Speed. When you buy an eBook, your reward is instantaneous. Whereas if you order a book online you have to wait for it to arrive before the fun begins. Font adjustments. With an eBook, you can instantly change the darkness of the lettering or the size of your font. When your eyes feel strained after reading a paper book too long, you have little choice but to stop reading. With an eBook, you can just change the font size and keep going. This is also a great feature for those who need large print books. Night reading. If you read in bed, an eBook may be a good option as many readers come with built-in reading lights. These are easy to use and won’t get in the way like the lights attached to actual books do. Advantages of physical books over electronic titles: Resale value. Like music downloads, you’ll never actually be able to resell electronic books. If you are into collectable books, this is a particularly big problem and you should only use physical titles. Reading ease. This one is only really a benefit for those that would otherwise read eBooks on their computers or phones. If you buy a commercial eReader, it will probably use ink technology that will not hurt your eyes with backlight. Never the less, you don’t need to worry about this problem with a physical book. No devices needed. If you find yourself in a small town without your cell phone or computer, you won’t be able to download a new title for your eBook, but you can always stop by a local bookstore and pick up a new paperback. No batteries. While most readers have a good battery life, there will still be times where you forget to charge it and then can’t read at all. You’ll never have this problem with a standard book. No warranties needed. If your eReader breaks, you will have nothing to read until you receive a new one. Some devices let you read the titles you have saved on your computer, but it’s just something you’ll never have to worry about with a physical book. Best of all, if a book does get damaged to where you cant read it, you can just go to the bookstore and buy another copy, rather than worrying if it is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Tradition. Let’s face it; you’re never going to get that comforting smell of paper or the weight of a good book in your hands when you read an eBook. And while you can flip ahead in an eBook, you can’t do so in a matter of seconds and flip right back to your page. As you can see, both types of books have many advantages; the decision is ultimately up to you. Some people find technology more convenient, while others find the weight and smell of books to be comforting. Whatever you decide, many of our top online bookstore sites, particularly Amazon. com and Borders, offer electronic downloads along with physical books, so you can be certain that all of your favorite titles will still be available.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Biblical Essay: Analysis of Pauls Letter To The Galatians

Biblical Essay: Analysis of Paul's Letter To The Galatians When Paul attended the Jerusalem Conference in 48 or 49, a decision was made that gentiles would be allowed to become Christians without becoming Jews first (ie. have a circumcision, and follow the Jewish Laws). Paul, being the one that defended the gentile's right to be Christians, became the apostle to the gentiles. Why would Paul, a Jew, want to be an apostle to gentiles? According to him, Jesus appeared to him in AD 32 or 36, and told him to preach the good news to the gentiles (Gal 1:16). Paul uses scripture to explain why gentiles should not be required to be circumcised, or obey Jewish Law; however, there are no direct quotes in scripture that say this. One would wonder why Paul, someone who grew-up in a "good" Jewish family, would not follow in the footsteps of Jewish Christian Missionaries, and require Christian converts to become Jews first. He certainly had to fight to have his belief accepted! In my opinion, Paul tried to follow the example of the original apostles (who knew Jesus) by "converting the multitudes." I think Paul understood human nature better than the other apostles preaching circumcision to the gentiles. Perhaps he thought that gentiles would accept Christianity more easily if it was natural to their lifestyle --I'm sure that the thought of circumcision, and strict dietary laws scared gentiles from Christianity! It seems that the "Judaziers" preached a God that was hard to please. Paul's major problem confronted in his letter to the Galatians is the preachings of the Judaziers. Apparently, men who preach circumcision and the Law had been trying to "pervert" the Galatians, and change their belief... area is full of rules/laws for the Galatians to live by. Of course, he justifies that Christians live by these laws because they "Walk in the Spirit of Christ." (Gal 5:16) If Christians are to "imitate" Jesus' actions & morals, then why should they decide to follow some, and not others? This is more evidence of Peter trying to create a "convenient" religion. The problem of acceptance of Jewish Law, I believe, is the fundamental split in Christianity. It can still be seen today: Catholicism represents Paul's view of Christianity, while Seventh Day Adventist Christians keep Jewish Law. However, if Paul had preached the Law, I don't believe that Christianity would even be present today (especially among the gentiles). He did much to advance Christianity; however, Gentile Christianity became a religion of Paul, rather than a religion of Jesus.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Overcoming the perils of canoe lake Essay

There are over two thousand drug courts in America, each one specializing in its own level of drug abuse. A drug court’s primary role is to handle cases with offenders of substance abuse. They offer offenders an opportunity to enter a rehabilitation program in lieu of sentenced jail time. The road to recovery is of course challenging and difficult, making the drug courts so strict and costly. Drug courts were generally created for non-violent drug abusers. Although these offenders are given the chance to avoid jail time they are extremely supervised by the court officials. Drug tests, substance abuse treatment, must make regular appearances in court and constant checkups are required to continue in the program. These offenders’ cases are usually dismissed due to their involvement in the program or their sentence is only shortened. Participation in these programs are completely voluntary and if qualified to enter, the offender must agree to complete all the tasks given a nd report to every summoning from the court. If an offender doesn’t complete the program, they can be prosecuted or their sentence will be revised and will be placed in jail. Drug courts are considered one f the most effective ways to eliminate drug abusers and avoiding incarceration. While in the program offenders are monitored and results of every drug court case is very astonishing, but the long term effect of these cases are beyond the rulings of the court. It is not known if those who participated in the programs continued their lives drug free. These courts have been examined and tested to see if the results justify the cost of the program. The operations evaluated such as the number of participants, referrals issued, and drug court graduates. The cost savings of processing the offenders through the program instead of straight jail time, and results compared with those who have been completed their sentenced jail time as opposed to those in the programs. The therapeutic jurisprudence theory supports these courts, f ocusing on the impact that these laws create on a human’s physiological and emotional well-being.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Explain why the Environment is such a discursive subject

It is a fact that the planets weather is becoming more erratic, and ultimately warmer. The causes of the changes to our weather system are undeniable, but the real debate is if they are entirely man made. Evidence of carbon emissions increasing is available, but there is no â€Å"smoking gun† that categorically proves that the two are linked (sceptical science website – accessed 20/04/11). Until this can be proved beyond doubt one way or the other, people will disagree on mans impact on the earth. Since the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century there has been a growing concern on the impact of economic development in nature (Moran, 2005, p338). Different individuals and different political parties will have differing views on the impact and relevance of environmental issues in the modern political world. Despite the awareness of the issue, environmental issues would not enter mainstream politics until the 1960's. Previously there was little thought given to the natural resources consumed by man, but in the modern world their finite nature has been realised (Bentley, 2006, p137). By the late 1980's all mainstream political parties would have adopted and developed their own environmental agendas (ibid, p138). Pressure groups such as Greenpeace, the CND, Friends of the Earth and the World Wildlife Fund were campaigning in the UK and around the world during the 70's and 80's in order to bring the environmental agenda to the political forefront. But it was not just pressure groups bringing environmentalism to the political landscape, but also a whole new political party. The Green party was started in 1985 with the aim of moving politics away from what it felt was the continued pursuit of economic growth and focusing more on clean sustainable living (Moran, 2005, p338). The Green party has continued to rise since it's inception. The party currently has 109 elected local councillors, 2 European MP's and in the May 2010 election gained their first seat in the Westminster when party leader Caroline Lucas won Brighton and Hove (Green Party Website – accessed 20/04/2011). With the Green parties growing influence in British Politics, the real threat of global warming, a globalized economy and the existence of more and more pressure groups, we can be assured that the environmental agenda will remain in British Politics for many years to come. There are many examples of environmental campaigns that have already been and gone and the results of which can still be seen today. In 1982 and Englishman named Des Wilson began a campaign called CLEAR, with the aim of reducing the impact of lead pollution from petrol. Lead pollution was known to have serious impact on the health of young children, as well as the environment as a whole. Fortunately for the members of CLEAR, the campaign had already begun to reduce lead pollution in the UK. These campaigns had support in some very influential places. The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution had already stated its desires for lead free petrol, and the German government had been appealing to the rest of Europe over the danger to German and other European forests. A European Union directive shortly followed and the majority of Western states installed lead-free petrol in their petrol stations by the end of 1983 (Leach, 2006, p423). In 1972 International think tank â€Å"the club of Rome† published a book called â€Å"The Limits of Growth†, and warned that the existing economic growth was putting a serious strain on Earths natural resources and warned of an impending catastrophe for mankind. Awareness of environmental issues was growing in Britain too, with the National Trust, the Council for Protection of Rural England and the RSPB some of the long standing organisation's joining the environmental campaign. Also, newer groups such as Transport 2000 and the Centre for Alternative Technology sprung up and joined many UK affected and/or based campaigns (Leach, 2005, p424). There is little doubt that the campaigns of these pressure groups helped to bring the environmental agenda to the forefront of British Politics. Environmental issues will affect all other policy areas of political parties and governments in a way that few other issues can. As stated previously with the CLEAR campaign, the effect of placing lead free petrol on the petrol station forecourt would of been non-existent had the lead-free petrol been twice the price of leaded fuel. As such, the British government encouraged the switch by placing reduced taxes on unleaded petrol, so the impact of making the environmentally conscious policy affected taxation in 1983 (ibid, p423). Any new development of roads, rail track or real estate will need to go through certain environmental checks prior to any planning permission being granted. An excellent example from recent times of environmental issues affecting a political decision relates to the planning permissions of the new Olympic Games site in Stratford. As part of the process for obtaining planning permission, the Olympic Delivery Authority produced a 40 page Environment statement on how they planned to maintain the sites wildlife before, during and after the Olympic Games (London 2012 website – accessed 20/04/11). Rather then possibly serving as a hindrance to the project, the environmental impact and sustainability became a key component of what the project wished to achieve. This is clears evidence that environmental issues are so ingrained in political thought that they are no longer considered as an after thought. This is, in my opinion, a clear indication of how the early environmental lobbyists were successful in their pursuit to bring environmentalism to the mainstream political agenda. International agreements on environmental issues will also affect the thinking of a governing political organisation. In 1997 186 states agreed on limits to their carbon emissions. The aim was to reduce the carbon emissions of signed countries to 5% below 1990 levels by 2012. Although initially successful (the 2002 targets set out by the agreement were met) the problems with the Kyoto began when the US withdrew from the agreement in 2001. Although President Clinton had agreed to the treaty in '97, there were serious issues getting it through the senate, and in 2001 President Bush pulled the US out of Kyoto declaring that it would gravely damage the US economy. The principal of the agreement on Kyoto would see states given a set quota of emissions each year, and these limits they would be allowed to trade off against one another. This would see high emission nations such as the US buy unused credits off of less polluting countries such as The Netherlands. Nations could also earn extra credits by getting involved in environmental conservation works in their own country or in a developing nation (BBC website accessed 19/04/2011). Kyoto would ultimately fail because the principal of trading emissions quotas would be unsustainable, and no significant reductions in emissions were achieved though the life of the treaty. The last attempt to broker an agreement in the international community was in December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. As John Vidal wrote in the Guardian â€Å"The so-called Copenhagen accord â€Å"recognises† the scientific case for keeping temperature rises to no more than 2C but does not contain commitments to emissions reductions to achieve that goal†. After the conference, G77 executive director Lumumba Di-Aping described the deal as having â€Å"the lowest level of ambition you can get†, and John Sauven of Greenpeace UK described Copenhagen as a â€Å"crime scene† (Guardian Website, accessed 19/04/11). The simple truth is that environmental issues are here to stay. The early work of environmental pressure groups such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace has clearly had an effect on modern political thought. Every political party will have an environmental policy outlined in its pre-election manifesto as well as in the policy section of its website. As we saw with the Olympic Stadium, the environmental impact of the construction process and post games legacy was a major factor when the whole project was outlined. Environmentalism in politics is here to stay. Major international agreements may fail like Kyoto, or fail to even appear as was the case with Copenhagen, but the pressure groups are growing is strength and influence, and any move by the political system to remove environmentalism will be met with strong opposition and serious repercussions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Old Toy Favorites Lead The Way

Critique Old Toy Favorites Lead the Way By: Eric Walhgren Summary: With the upcoming holiday season nearing this article was only appropriate. This article was a handy guide to what is hot in the toy departments this season. Surprisingly, the hot toys this Christmas are nostalgic, old toys are beginning to resurface. Toys like Elmo, Transformers, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, Cabbage Patch Kids, Legos, and much more. Along with the toys of yesteryear parents are moving towards more interactive learning toys such as Leapfrog. With the slow economy and many budgeting parents this season average cost of toys are ranging from $29.99-50.00. Parents are warned to watch out for the hype of overpriced internet bidding, on sites such as Ebay, for these old favorites. Strengths: What I loved about this article is how it took me back to my childhood. As I child I played with a many of the above mentioned toys such as My Little Pony and I just loved Strawberry Shortcake and who could live without a Cabbage Patch Kid. The timing of the article was very appropriate with the big holiday shopping season nearing. It also was informative of the marketing scheme which was that the kids who grew up playing with these toys during the 80’s are now parents and it gives them a chance to be able to interact with their own children by purchasing their old favorites. Weaknesses: I could not find any weaknesses in this article it was to the point and it delivered. The article was informative as well as precise, and not to mention entertaining. Personal Opinion: What inspired me to choose this article was the nostalgic feeling that I got while reading it. This article took me to a place that I haven’t visited in years; my childhood. The thought of my child being able to enjoy the same toys that I grew up loving is great. I think that was and excellent gesture by marketers.... Free Essays on Old Toy Favorites Lead The Way Free Essays on Old Toy Favorites Lead The Way Critique Old Toy Favorites Lead the Way By: Eric Walhgren Summary: With the upcoming holiday season nearing this article was only appropriate. This article was a handy guide to what is hot in the toy departments this season. Surprisingly, the hot toys this Christmas are nostalgic, old toys are beginning to resurface. Toys like Elmo, Transformers, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, Cabbage Patch Kids, Legos, and much more. Along with the toys of yesteryear parents are moving towards more interactive learning toys such as Leapfrog. With the slow economy and many budgeting parents this season average cost of toys are ranging from $29.99-50.00. Parents are warned to watch out for the hype of overpriced internet bidding, on sites such as Ebay, for these old favorites. Strengths: What I loved about this article is how it took me back to my childhood. As I child I played with a many of the above mentioned toys such as My Little Pony and I just loved Strawberry Shortcake and who could live without a Cabbage Patch Kid. The timing of the article was very appropriate with the big holiday shopping season nearing. It also was informative of the marketing scheme which was that the kids who grew up playing with these toys during the 80’s are now parents and it gives them a chance to be able to interact with their own children by purchasing their old favorites. Weaknesses: I could not find any weaknesses in this article it was to the point and it delivered. The article was informative as well as precise, and not to mention entertaining. Personal Opinion: What inspired me to choose this article was the nostalgic feeling that I got while reading it. This article took me to a place that I haven’t visited in years; my childhood. The thought of my child being able to enjoy the same toys that I grew up loving is great. I think that was and excellent gesture by marketers....

Monday, October 21, 2019

Wife of Martin Guerre. essays

Wife of Martin Guerre. essays An eleven year olds destiny had already been adhered to. Bertrande de Rols had been married at this tender age in 1539. She was married in Artigues, a small isolated French town where the crags and the valleys of the Pyrenees were the cause of their prosperity and pride. Martin Guerre was the other half of the married couple, three years her senior, yet both were no older than babies themselves. Despite the fact that the young Bertrande had been married, she still resided in her own home. It was not until three years after she was married when tragedy struck. Bertrandes mother had died and she was sent to live the Guerre residence. Bertrande saw his features, exaggerated in the flare of the torch. . . and the realisation that henceforth her life lay beneath his jurisdiction came suddenly and overwhelmingly to the little girl. Already, Bertrandes life had been outlined, under the power of her father-in-law. Sympathy is effortlessly felt for the trapped naive girl, whose own personal identity will never be explored. Bertrande had nothing to live for except to be mistress of the farm. Without argument, she willingly takes on this position as she is aware of where she stands. Disregarding the fact that on the first night of married life, Bertrande endures, from her husband, a cuff upon her ears, a scratch on her face and a tug of her hair, Bertrande and Martin do eventually unite. Very well. Kneel. Monsieur Guerre struck the jaw of his child, Martin. Martin had not asked his father to participate in a bear hunt, and was welcomed back this way. It was not just, whispered Bertrande to Martin, proving that she possessed the ability to side with her husband, who was mischievous towards his authoritarian. Martin, you are brave, and it was with those words that Martin had fallen asleep, with his arm resting upon her shoulder. Here our fondn...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Informative Essay Writing

Informative Essay Writing Informative Essay Writing Informative Essay Writing: How to Deal with Informative essay writing is a kind of writing, which aims to inform a reader about some specific matter with which he or she is not acquainted yet. While writing your informative essays you have to remember that your task is just to inform the readers objectively about some matter, without evaluating it or without inserting your own point of view at the subject. You have to be impartial during your informative essay writing: Writing Good Informative Essay In order to write good informative essays you have to ask yourself five journalistic questions before any word of informative essay writing. These journalistic questions help you to look at the problem from all the possible angles and to reveal the topic for 100 percent. If you are not acquainted with these journalistic questions, it is a high time for you to correct this mistake. Thus, the journalistic questions are as follow: Who? What? When? Where? Why? If you answer to all of them in your informative essay writing, you will manage to write excellent informative essays. Make these very journalistic questions to be a structure for your informative essay writing and you will present informative essays, which meet all the requirements from them and get the highest grade for your labour. Educate Your Readers Through Informative Essay While being engaged into informative essay writing, do not forget that your mission is to educate your readers somehow by presenting some interesting facts. That is why while dealing with the topic in your informative essay writing, remember that far not everyone is already acquainted with the matter of your informative essays. Try to explain the whole deepness of problem you are dealing with in your informative essay writing, before going into details and specifications in order the readers to be able to understand everything you write. Key Points To Include These are the main points your informative essay writing should reveal, do not neglect any of them as they will really help you to achieve a great result in your informative essay writing: explain something the majority of readers are not acquainted with; include the latest approaches to the topic you are dealing with in your informative essay writing; present all the existing approaches at the subject; present the problem of informative essays in general and after that fall into details; present several opposing points of view; cause-effect relations should be also analyzed within your informative essay writing. teach your audience how to use the knowledge it has received from you informative essay writing. Read more: Editing Essay Service Deforestation Essay Professional Editing Service Essay Example on Cause of Crime Stress Management Essay

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Importance of community health nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Importance of community health nursing - Essay Example Hospitals are mostly the place of being exposed at the bedside nursing but now community health nursing is a field that is as important to the society. Being in a baccalaureate program had given me intrigue and more opportunities to explore my career in community health nursing. The primary mission of community health nursing is improving the overall health of the population through health promotion, illness prevention, and protection of the public from a variety of biological, behavioral, social, and environmental threats (Clark, 2008). Community health nursing has contributed so much to the social and healthcare reform. Moreover, the importance of this nursing field has created great changes in how nursing is being provided to an individual. There are significant events that the community health nursing established, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Communicable Disease Center (CDC), and American Red Cross. Public health nursing has led to many of the policy revolutions that helped bring family planning, workplace safety, and maternal child health services to people in need(â€Å"Nursing,† 2008). The global impact of community health nursing is not only around the nursing aspect but also around the cultural side of the society. Access of healthcare for the population is very diverse and with the government assistance to fund such different outreach programs, the choices of which a community needs health services are easily available for them. The importance of which is that the person is being treated at the convenience of there home, there community or people around them. The increasing availability of health care services such as community health nursing contributes to a better society especially in the nonurban areas, and elderly population. With the rising increase in the elderly population, illegal immigrants, and uninsured individual in the United States, community health services has provided care in a way that health

Oce 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oce 2 - Essay Example The Alaska Shell drilling project and the Keystone XL project worth $7 billion does not portray President Obama and his party as very environmentally friendly people in the mainstream media. The Democratic Party is looking forward to change this Image completely through various projects that are about to unfold, with environmental safety as their key concentration. Let us analyze about two such projects. Greenhouse Gas Standards for existing power plants and refineries Nearly 2.4 billion metric tons of Carbon dioxide is emitted into the US sky through the 500 power plants and the oil refineries present here. This constitutes to nearly 40% of the total Carbon dioxide emission in the country (Biello). The new rules will force the refineries and the power plants to avoid using fossil-fuel for energy and look for other alternative means like natural gas. The practical applicability of the plan is still under question. EPA is seeking the co-operation of the state governments to upgrade th e age old techniques used in the power plants and refineries. Though there is much opposition for the move from the Congress, the President had already waived a green flag for EPA to formulate the rule within the next couple of months approximately. Forcing down Carbon dioxide emission means using natural gas as alternative which is way expensive than the current methods. This will result in increased electricity and gasoline bills for the consumer. But, the government is announcing various subsidies for the power plants and oil refineries to keep the prices in check. New Source Performance Standards have framed new rules for using several items in steam generating units like its generators. It closely monitors the emissions of PM, SO2 and NOX from these equipments and orders for an upgrade if they are beyond the permitted level. Various measures like the Acid Rain program and Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants programs will be used to monitor the power plants. Petrole um refineries will be scrutinized under the Catalytic Reforming and Catalytic cracking of Sulphur plants program. President Obama's various measures to make the US environment a cleaner and greener one have resulted in complete failure in the past. The Solyndra project which received nearly $535 million aid from the US government proved to be a failure, which came as a death blow to President Obama's solar electricity dream. Similarly, the A123 system which was encouraged to create hybrid electric cars which do not pollute the environment also became a massive failure. Though the intention of these projects was good, inefficient administration and lack of advanced technologies paved way for their failure. President Obama is quite concerned about not making the same mistake again. EPA held 5 listening and discussion sessions with participants from electric power industry, petroleum refineries, environmental organizations, state and tribal representatives as well as coalition group me mbers to finalize the measures on the actions. The concerns about various parties and the difficulties in implementing the new rules were discussed in detail way back in 2011. EPA had been working on an error proof plan since then. It is only a matter of days before the new green house gas emission standards will roll out. Why is it important to control Green house gas emissions? The sun emits energy which the earth absorbs and re-emits back into the atmosphere. The over emission of green house gases

Friday, October 18, 2019

Police Response to Domestic Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police Response to Domestic Violence - Essay Example By using discretion to avoid making arrests in some cases, the police are perceived to be declining to offer â€Å"necessary assistance to the victims of the violence† (Hendricks and Byers, 37). The police policy geared at delaying response with intention that the â€Å"domestic violence would resolve itself† has in some cases been worsening the situation instead of helping it (Hendricks and Byers, 39). Hendricks and Byers assert that the police are normally trained to rely more on crisis intervention, mediations and separations of parties involved in the violence, counseling for substance abuse cases, and let the victims carry the burden of arrest. Practically, this kind of training has made it very difficult for these victims especially the poor ones to seek justice against the sufferings they undergo during the violence (102). Police officers prefer not to respond to domestic violence calls following the organizational disincentives. For instance, the officers perceive the violence to be dangerous. â€Å"Statutory restrictions on misdemeanor† have prevented the police from doing anything worthwhile (Hendricks and Byers, 112). The cases in which the victims fail to follow through with prosecution have also demoralized the officers from responding to the violence as required of them. There also have been cases in which the police are accused of being biased while making arrests on the â€Å"offenders of the domestic violence† (Hendricks and Byers, 113). There have been several reforms that have been enacted to improve the â€Å"police response to domestic violence† (Hendricks and Byers, 115). The reforms were pushed through due to mounting pressure from the women’s rights groups and battered women’s advocates. Implementation of pro-arrest policies such as Domestic Violence Act has been instrumental in ensuring â€Å"warrantless arrest† in cases perceived to have probable cause of violation of a protection order (Hendricks and Byers, 118). According to

TWOS anaylsis for 2 companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TWOS anaylsis for 2 companies - Essay Example Organizations may face problems during its operations, and due to the competition in industries, TWOS analysis can identify a strategic position of the company in relation to its set objectives. Mannai Corporation in Qatar is a holding company principally engaged in trades and services across all private sectors in Qatar. The Oxford Business Group (2007) notes the company owns 14 subsidiaries offering sales and services of automobiles, information technology, engineering, and heavy equipment sales among others. The company also offers industrial products as well as office products including logistics, warehouses, and representatives of international organizations. This organization is a complex entity made up of different groups of people specialized with specific purposes in the set of rules, relationships, procedures, policies and culture. According to Rao et al. (2008), in TWOS analysis, threats are the external factors affecting any Corporation. Threats involve elements in the external environment that represent risk to the organization. Competition from outside companies remains the main threat in Mannai Corporation. Milaha is among the main competitors in this industry. The location of the company is strategic and therefore it attracts many interests, which are partly political. Lack of proper security in the area also poses a threat. According to Kamrava (2013), other threats include social threats such as resistance by the society to carry out training programs and lack of funds to facilitate the training of these programs. A strong establishment necessitates a strong political backing sustained funding and just remuneration for the staff. Financial resource is a challenge to the organization. The organization requires expanding and advancing in service delivery. It requires more equipment and staff to run the organization, but funds pouring in are limited. As a result, there are little or no training programs for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Topic - Essay Example The paradigm can be categorized into two functional parts: information retrieval and information dissemination or exposure. CCN directly routes and delivers pieces of content at the packet level of the network, allowing automatic and application-neutral caching in memory wherever situated in the network (Karl, and Andreas 331). This yields to efficient and effective delivery of content when required. Given that the architecture allows caching effects as an automatic consequence of packet delivery, memory can be utilized without building costly application-level caching services. Why do we need content-centric networking (CCN)? CCN’s security model centers on explicitly securing the content itself rather than endpoints, whereby packets travelling across the network content can be safeguarded against from alteration, damage, or snooping from unauthorized parties. Name data networking or content-centric networking represents an alternative approach to the architecture of computer networks. CCN draws from the principle that a communication network ought to allow a user to focus on the data that one needs instead of having to reference an explicit, physical location where the data is to be retrieved (Wang, Chen, Zhou, and Qin 93). The modern internet architecture centers on a host-based conversation model generated to enable geographically distributed users to utilize a number of significant, immobile computers. The content-centric networking pursues to adapt the network architecture to match the present network usage patterns. Content-centric networking presents a broad range of benefits such as content caching to minimize congestion and enhance delivery speed. CCN also allows simpler configuration of network devices, besides building security into the network at the data level; nevertheless, the change of communication paradigm may present challenges for network activities such as real-time multimedia applications (Karl, and Andreas 332). Recent research ha s demonstrated that such applications may be feasible. Moreover, building content routers that back content-centric networking at high speed remains an open problem to crack. How it works Application-layer designs forms the basis of content-centric interface. This presents benefits such as easier deployment, improved flexible delivery, and effortless backwards compatibility. The present internet establishment features a tree of physical equipment to link streams of packets from any leaf to another. The present system can be regarded as efficient for communication, but not for distribution. The overall proposal of content-specific networking appreciates that a significant amount of information produced once, and then repeated numerous times. Hence, it is sensible to distribute the copying of any correlated activities into the networks’ tree of equipment. In most of the instances, significant storage exist, and could be utilized more efficiently in the event that it could recog nize certain content and only remain with one copy of it. The structure of the network equipment (tree shape) scales content delivery to match the size of the audience and minimize up-stream equipment to the minimum required to generate the content. CCN utilizes a practical data storage cache at every level of the network, which in turn, dramatically minimizes the transmission traffic,

Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Motivation - Essay Example The company deals in gold jewellery, diamonds, silver and pearls. There are more than 14 outlets of all 3 categories. My role is of managing the business, staff and production decisions of Gold Mold Inc. (GM )The firm employs more than a hundred employees and I generally overlook the areas of staff problems and promotions, new designs and exhibitions for all these outlets. The most recent crisis occurred in the past few months where I had been designated to choose a new factory and retail site for our group of companies. The site in question which was nominated by the consultants would appear to have everything. It was close to a railway station, bus services are fairly good from the middle and west of the district and was a popular area for professional staff to live. We could have drained the land (a small water feature would be an attractive low cost possibility). It was a prestige site in what is a very desirable part of the district. The large number of golf sites and good green space within walking distance further add to the attractiveness of the site as a commercial centre. However the only problem was that the nature reserve itself had been declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) due to the presence of Great Crested Newts in some of the ponds and wetlands. There have been recent instances where development still pressed ahead despite the presence of these creatures but this resulted in delays & bad publicity due to strong opposition from environmental and wildlife groups. One representative of a bank involved in the group of development consultants and an ardent supporter of this site has put forward the idea, in confidence, that for a small sum it might be possible to â€Å"rid ourselves of the Newts†. This is certainly an attractive site and must not be ruled out. If the problems can be resolved relatively quickly and without too much cost building a Jewellery retail and factory

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Topic - Essay Example The paradigm can be categorized into two functional parts: information retrieval and information dissemination or exposure. CCN directly routes and delivers pieces of content at the packet level of the network, allowing automatic and application-neutral caching in memory wherever situated in the network (Karl, and Andreas 331). This yields to efficient and effective delivery of content when required. Given that the architecture allows caching effects as an automatic consequence of packet delivery, memory can be utilized without building costly application-level caching services. Why do we need content-centric networking (CCN)? CCN’s security model centers on explicitly securing the content itself rather than endpoints, whereby packets travelling across the network content can be safeguarded against from alteration, damage, or snooping from unauthorized parties. Name data networking or content-centric networking represents an alternative approach to the architecture of computer networks. CCN draws from the principle that a communication network ought to allow a user to focus on the data that one needs instead of having to reference an explicit, physical location where the data is to be retrieved (Wang, Chen, Zhou, and Qin 93). The modern internet architecture centers on a host-based conversation model generated to enable geographically distributed users to utilize a number of significant, immobile computers. The content-centric networking pursues to adapt the network architecture to match the present network usage patterns. Content-centric networking presents a broad range of benefits such as content caching to minimize congestion and enhance delivery speed. CCN also allows simpler configuration of network devices, besides building security into the network at the data level; nevertheless, the change of communication paradigm may present challenges for network activities such as real-time multimedia applications (Karl, and Andreas 332). Recent research ha s demonstrated that such applications may be feasible. Moreover, building content routers that back content-centric networking at high speed remains an open problem to crack. How it works Application-layer designs forms the basis of content-centric interface. This presents benefits such as easier deployment, improved flexible delivery, and effortless backwards compatibility. The present internet establishment features a tree of physical equipment to link streams of packets from any leaf to another. The present system can be regarded as efficient for communication, but not for distribution. The overall proposal of content-specific networking appreciates that a significant amount of information produced once, and then repeated numerous times. Hence, it is sensible to distribute the copying of any correlated activities into the networks’ tree of equipment. In most of the instances, significant storage exist, and could be utilized more efficiently in the event that it could recog nize certain content and only remain with one copy of it. The structure of the network equipment (tree shape) scales content delivery to match the size of the audience and minimize up-stream equipment to the minimum required to generate the content. CCN utilizes a practical data storage cache at every level of the network, which in turn, dramatically minimizes the transmission traffic,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Social and political in the 19th century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social and political in the 19th century - Essay Example As a result of his care, though, his discoveries were well-founded and difficult to disprove especially as others were also making similar discoveries at the time. Another great thinker that had a significant impact on cultural attitudes and beliefs was Karl Marx. Marx focused his attention on the ways in which different societies worked, paying particular attention to how conflict between the classes helped to shape the way the society was organized. His predictions and writings were so influential that they have helped to found entire governmental systems. The new ideas these two men introduced to the world had an impact not only on how we understand the world around us, but also how we understand one another including changing common concepts of gender relations. It was the mid-1800’s when Charles Darwin took his famous trip to the Galapagos and witnessed tangible evidence for his theory regarding the origin of all species. The 13 islands of the Galapagos chain are relative ly close to each other geographically but are vastly different environmentally. Some of the islands offer desert-like conditions, others more tropical, some sandy, some rocky. Attempting to catalog the various species he found, Darwin realized many of them had originated as one species, but had evolved adaptations needed for survival according to the different conditions on the different islands. He hypothesized adaptations to new environments would take place over long periods of time, millions of years, through the process of natural selection. Natural selection works when an animal is born with a specialized new trait that helps it survive in its environment. This animal thrives and produces offspring that carry the same inherited trait so they live longer and have more babies. Eventually the new type ‘wins out’ over the old and a new species is started. It didn't take long for these concepts to be applied to human development. Darwinian anthropology suggests that be havior is shaped by the needs and expectations of the social environment and is also based on best fitness to survive. Therefore, â€Å"the way to look for adaptations is not to try to find ancient mental mechanisms but to look at current behavior in relation to local environmental conditions† (Cartwright). Instead of inborn traits and physical attributes, Darwinian anthropology suggests people strive to adapt their behavior based upon new learning and new skills to cope with their social environment. This is proven to some extent in the case of immigrants. Although first generation immigrants usually struggle to incorporate into their new society, successive generations develop the adaptive tools necessary to survive with greater success within the same environment. Under the umbrella of Darwinian anthropology, â€Å"culture should be viewed a part of a fitness maximization program. Humans are flexible opportunists and so optimality models can be used† to predict beha vior (Cartwright). These types of realizations led to a new consideration regarding the supposed helplessness and presumed handicaps of women during this age. People began questioning whether the problems were culturally rather than biologically ingrained. This line of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Technology and Health Care Paper Essay Example for Free

Technology and Health Care Paper Essay Abstract In the todays global world, technology has grown rapidly and there seems to be no signs of it ever slowing down soon. Computer softwares have provided technological advancements in the health care industry. Consultants have become synonymous within the medical practices and community to provide a wide range of innovative ideas that is geared to making any organization thrive. ABC Consultants is a large prestigious organization hired by the Lady of Merced Care home to help develop an innovative approach using their current computer software and technology. This paper will describe the software product recommended by the author. This paper will discuss the impact of this product to the operation and patient care service provided by the care facility. In the end, a discussion regarding the social, ethical, and economic impact of your product, service, or application to the organization will be enumerate in this paper. Technology and Health Care Paper It is hard to imagine a world without computer devices, electronic data transfer of real-time information and high-tech software programs geared for any aspect of any business market. Throughout the years the technology becomes a major part of health industry. Health care has been one of the successful benefactors of these emerging technologies. Terry, N. (2012) made mentioned in his article that, Todays impact on health care is noted in the use of health care beyond the clinic or hospital setting. The Health  Information Technology (IT) has improved medical outcomes and has transformed healthcare delivery. As the demand for technological advancement heightens the competitiveness within the care home facilities become evident. Now days, case workers and potential residents are looking for facilities willing to provide not just great care but just in time collaboration efforts between the care team. Residential care facilities, case managers and patients are aware of the availability of special software used to create and maintain paperless medical records which can allow immediate access to the patients medical history. For the care home facility office this special software can assists in keeping track of the stock of medicines, purchases and sales, billing, charts, and staff information and much more. Storing data collected and medical reports of patients is easier with computers, and with both privacy and environmental concerns being a part of todays world, maintaining the data in computers is a more eco-friendly way of storing this information. Lady of Merced is a residential care facility licensed to care for 15-20 mentally disabled young adults. The facility is licensed and is a vendor of the Regional Center of The East Bay under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health. This highly regulated branch of the health care industry serves to protect not only these disabled individuals patient right as well as their dignity and independence. In order to maintain funding by these entities, data collection regarding various points must be collected and stored. These datas range from consumers individual living skills, training, behavioral episodes and activities to name a few. State compliance records such as fire drills, continuing educations; personnel, payroll and tax information to name a few must also be recorded and kept. Having been in business for over 10 years, Lady of Merced has barely managed to pass the annual compliance audits and even risked having their license revoked on several occasions. This year, the administrator has vowed to ensure that the facility does not get any sanction from the auditors thus Lady of Merced seeked the assistance of the ABC Consulting firm. After an in depth analysis of the situation, ABC consulting firm highly  recommended that Lady of Merced acquire a new software system called NEXT GEN. Next Gen is made by reputable medical software company and is used by facilities and providers in the area. This will ensure that access not only to the internal documents can be achieved but also any outside information can be interfaced with proper authorization and linkage. In the health care field a person who handles the software is called the Administrative information systems support tech. They will be able to manage all financial, demographic information, payroll, financial, client management and human resources easily. Without this software the business may not appear organized and competitive with other care home providers. Technology is vital to the health care industries, but the administrative component is what makes technology work. Without technology it would be hard to visualize the impact of the data gathered by the care givers and providers. There are care home operators owning more than 2 facilities and managing them successful in the midst of the current placement shortages. Their success seems to be attributed to the efficiency and effectiveness of their operation. The successful integration of data collected and status reminders helps build awareness and demand for follow thru. This is important, because it gives care givers more time to focus on the consumers and not the business aspect of the job. Having to remember and hand write all the info rather than using a click of a button can be time consuming and inefficient. This technology gives the medical organization the ability to become paperless by using the Electronic Health Systems or EHS. The paperless technology helps secure patients privacy by making their information less accessible to those who are not privileged into that system. The biggest benefit of this technology is of course money such that pens, paper, and ink cartridges usage will be minimized. This technology can help reduce mistakes by having fewer errors in missed read hard written notes and misspelled prescriptions. Medical records are also easier to get with this technology. This system will help reduce mistakes by making patients notes understandable and also identify the patient easier. Another thing the EHS system implements on being Green. This technology not only helps the facility become more effective, but it helps to depend on less things that damages the world by using hardly any paper. The usage of technology for the human resources department can streamline the hiring, payroll and other labor related compliance required by all the different regulatory agencies. In the past Lady of Merced spent a lot of money due to the high staffing turn-over ratio and outsourcing fees. The management of any workers compensation and labor cost can now become more automated. Now with technology on hand the facility can now see all the recruiting, training, performance evaluations, and staffing planning within reach. There are many care home facilities which uses basic technology, but more and more are upgrading to the next level to become more appealing to a prospective resident. In doing so, program effectiveness is inevitable and increase in revenue can be achieved. As Shi, l. (2012) states Todays medical centers and integrated delivery organizations are among the most complex organizations to manage. Leaders in health care delivery face some unique challenges, including changes in financing and payment structures, as well as having to work with reduced levels of reimbursement. As any technological advancement, one must consider the social, ethical and economical impact this technology would pose. Next Gens economic impact will certainly be felt in the beginning as the organization must invest in the acquisition, training, and maintenance of this new program. There may also be delays with any current billing cycle due to the transition phase. The social and ethical implication this software can bring would certainly be assurance that patient care is not compromised at any cost. Ethically we have an obligation to not only protect but advocate for a normalcy of life for these consumers. We can only ensure that through the knowledge that all data a re submitted and results are achieved through this accurate info. In conclusion, many health care organizations even specialized small facilities such as Lady of Merced Care home are investing in the latest technology in order to keep up with demands of todays competitive globalized industry. This move not only creates but also maintains the competitive edge of the facility by catering the needs of their consumers. Technology strategy does cost, but it does pay when you offer services that  no other medical organization offers. This paper described the software product recommended by the author. This paper discussed the impact of this product to the operation and patient care service provided by the care facility. In the end, a discussion regarding the social, ethical, and economic impact of your product, service, or application to the organization was enumerate in this paper. REFERENCES: Shi, L. (2012). Delivering health care in American: A systems approach. (5th Ed.). Boston, MA: Jones Bartlett. Terry, N (2012), Information Technologys Failure to Disrupt Healthcare. Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Research Paper No. 2012-16. Available at SSRN: or

Sunday, October 13, 2019

From a Dream to Reality Essay -- Teaching Education Essays

From a Dream to Reality When I decided to go back to school my objective was not only to increase my knowledge and receive a degree, but I decided that the only profession for me to pursue would be to earn a degree in teaching. Not because a business or computer degree would be out of my grasp, I can learn anything necessary to do a job, but because by earning a degree in teaching I would be able to fulfill a dream of mine that I had held since my own days in school. I want to be able to help children reach for the dreams in their lives. That is the reason that I have begun this program of study, to fulfill my life ambitions of becoming a teacher so that I can help inspire children to reach for their dreams that they are holding. Even though I’m starting college with this plan of being a teacher later than my colleges, I will be able to help them and my future students by sharing my life experiences that have occurred so far. I have always had a way with children, they seem to be comfortable around me and I like taking the time to listen and talk to them so that they are able to express what is on their mind. I believe that by being an available positive role model to them in their elementary school years I can make a difference in their life. Children are very special and I believe that it takes someone that is more interested in helping the child than in their job or the paycheck, to help make a child to succeed. The time I have had in life to observe people it has become apparent to me that if a child is not succeeding in school, there is a very good chance that as an adult, they will not succeed either. Though if that child has a positive role model in their life this may increase that child’s success rate. When that ch... ...e best role model for them. By being from a low-income family of seven children and being male I did not receive the encouragement that I needed to go to college. I was more or less told to graduate from high school and get a job. But I never let my dream die because I needed more out of life than a job. With this background I can show my students that they can achieve their goals. Obtaining or completing a degree in teaching is more than going to college and getting a degree. It is a profession that has a purpose, and that purpose is to help other people, and for me those people are children, to help them become whatever it is that they dream. To make this happen I will not only have teach them, but also to learn from them and help them learn from the world. By doing this I will become one of many excellent teachers who have helped me reach for my dream.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

King Arthur Essay -- Essays Papers

The Coming of Arthur The Two Swords- Arthur pulls a sword from a stone and becomes king. Then he goes to the Lady of the Lake and she gives him the sword Excalibur and the magic scabbard. Balyn and Balan- Balyn gets a cursed sword and kills the Lady of the Lake. He goes after Garlon the invisible evil night and finds the Castel Carbonek. He stricks King Pelles with the Dolorous Stroke then fights his brother unknowingly and they kill each other. The First Quest of the Round Table- King Arthur marries Guinevere on Pentecost and Sir Gawine, Sir Tor, and King Pellinore go on the first quest of the Round Table. They go after a white hart, a brachet, and a knight and a damsel. The Magic of Nimue and Morgana Le Fae- Nimue puts Merlin in a deep sleep in a tower where he cannot get out. Arthur’s sister Morgana Le Fae, tricks him into doing battle against his own knight who has his sword, Excalibur. While he is sleeping, she steals his magic scabbard and throws it into the lake. Book II: The Knights of the Round Table Sir Gawain and the Green Knight- The Green Knight makes a deal with Gawain who must meet him a year later to have his head cut off. A year later Gawain goes out to find him like he promised. And stays at a man’s house where he is treated very well. The man ends up to be the Green Knight and and does not kill Gawain because he has proven that he is a noble knight. The First Quest of Sir Launcelot- King Arthur knights Launcelot, Hector his brother, and Lionel his cousin. Then Sir Launcelot kills the evil knight Sir Turquyn and saves many of the Knights of the Round Table. He also performs many other good deeds, and Lady Allewes tries to kill him. Sir Gareth, or the Knight of the Kitchen- Given the name Beaumans (fair hands) by Sir Kay, Gareth asks for a quest from King Arthur. After he kills the Black Knight, Sir Launcelot knights him. He then defeats the Green, Blue, and Red Knight and marries Lady Linnet after saving her sister, Lady Liones. Sir Tristram and the Fair Iseult- A mistral comes into King Arthur’s court and tells the tale of how Sir Tristram drank a love potion and fell in love with Iseult the Fair, his uncle’s wife, and became banished. The mistral ends up to be Tristram, and is made a knight of the Round Table. He marries another Iseult, but dies and so does... and Naciens is able to die in peace. Then Galahad cures King Pelles who also dies in Peace. Percivale and Blanchefleur are married and Galahad dies. Book IV: The Departing of Arthur Launcelot and Guinevere- Guinevere is hostage by Sir Melliagraunce. Then Agravain and Mordred spy on Guinevere and Launcelot and they overhear their plans. The Plots of Sir Mordred- Launcelot and Guinevere are caught, but he escapes and saves Guinevere from being burned at the stake. Then he accidentally kills Gareth and Gaheris, Gawain’s brother, and a war is started. Sir Mordred comes to gight Arthur and Gawain dies, writing a letter to Launcelot, forgiving him and begging him to come and help. The Last Battle- Gawain comes to Arthur in a dream and warns him to make peace with Mordred for a month until Launcelot comes. The men attack during during the treaty and Arthur kills Mordred, but receives a very bad wound and is taken away on a barge with Nimue and Morgana le Fay. Epilogue: Avalon- Sir Launcelot becomes a Frier and Guinevere becomes a nun. A shepherd claims to have found where King Arthur and his knights of the round table are sleeping, but he never finds the spot again.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Single Mothers and Higher Education

Every day in America another woman becomes a mother. In an average year 4,248,000 women in the United States become mothers (Ventura, 2012). â€Å"One out of every three American children is born to a single mother† (Single Mothers 2006). With divorces still at 856,000 a year (Amato, 2010) thousands of children are suffering from single parent families. Divorce is not only hard on children but also women. Most women do not have higher educations before the divorce and this causes financial hardships. Due to this hardship women return to college in hopes to seek a higher education and be able to provide better for their children. The review of literature not only demonstrated the amount of stress one goes through but also the financial burdens they are faced with during this time. Literature came to show although the difficulties during these times were rough, but the outcomes were beneficial. Single Mothers and Higher Education If being a single mother is not hard enough, being a single mother going towards a higher education is even harder. Every day, women in America go back to school in hopes to achieve a higher education. Single mothers face many challenges when it comes to pursuing a college degree. These single mothers are not only working they are also care for their children and trying to achieve a higher education. In reports from 2011 37% of mothers were single parents (Postal 2013). Not only are these mother struggling these children of single mothers are also struggling. They are born into poverty and have a higher chance of becoming teen parents along with higher rates of drop outs during high school years. Higher educations for these moms are one way they can help their kids beat the odds. When being born into a single mother household yours odds are stacked against you. Right out of the gate you are â€Å"more likely to live in poverty and have poor development outcomes† (Postal, 2013). â€Å"Completion of an undergraduate degree is one way single mothers can mitigate the risk that they and their children will live in straitened circumstances† (Synnott, 2010). These challenges make it hard for single mothers to continue to push forward and some of them never see the end of the light where as others are able to finish and able to provide a life that would of never been possible without a higher education. Over the last four decades the rate of marriages have went down and the divorce rates have risen causing a large amount of single mothers to be left in this world to fend for not only themselves but also their children (McLanahan & Casper, 1995). Reports back in 1999 showed that over 20% of families are being raised by single mothers (Capser & Bryson, 1998). The struggles that one faces in a single parent family are larger than those who come from dual families. Single parents struggle with not only poverty but also have poor support systems. In 2000, 25% of single-mother and 12% of single-father families lived in poverty, compared with 5% of married-couple families with children† (U. S. Bureau of the Census, 2001). The average income for a single mother in 2011 Census was $23,000 (U. S. Bureau of the Census, 2011). With an income like this they are barely able to make ends meet and most of them are on some form of public assistance. Poverty is not the only issue when coming fr om single parent families adequate support is also a big issues. A lot of these children struggle in school due to lack of food, shelter or help at home. Although the government has put programs into place to help families who struggle with poverty these programs are just a temporary fix and when these women do get jobs they are barely able to make ends meet. Women who can get jobs have a hard time finding someone to watch their children. Most single moms don’t even make enough to cover a child care provider in order to make it to work. The quality of childcare is also at stake when you can only offer a small amount of compensation for their services. So more and more women are forced to stay at home and live off the government until they are able to achieve a better education, or they are forced to work more than one job in order to make it. More and more women now days are the sole provider for their households. Without a good job they suffer tremendously that is why higher educations are so important now days. In order to obtain a higher education there is a cost and a lot of single mothers cannot afford that cost. Single mothers fear they can’t keep their household up and pay tuition too. Money is one of the most common problems many single mothers orry about. The government has seen this time and time again and they have discovered that women do not go back to school because of lack of funds and they have built programs catered to single mothers so they can achieve a better education. Since the government has been able to fund programs to help pay for higher education they are able to help these women make it through t he system and come out on top. Not only has the government set aside special funds for single parents they have also put out scholarships and some colleges offer discounted tuition rates. In a recent report from Action Project out of New York City they found â€Å"over half of workers make less than $10 an hour, over 70% don’t get health insurance through their job, only 17% have a regular schedule, and just 25% have used a paid sick day. It may be little wonder, then, that single mothers earn less than half of what households with a married couple bring in – $32,597 compared to $71,830† (Walton 2012). Single mothers on average are making only ten dollars an hour they don’t even bring home enough money to cover their bills then they have to pay childcare which takes up half their checks (Walton 2012). Walton found that for an infant in childcare center it could cost as much as $20,200 a year in New York City (Walton 2012). Mind you these women are only making $32,597 a month that does not leave them much to live on during the year (Walton 2012). This is why it is very important for women to have a good solid education so they can make more than ten dollars an hour and can provide a better life for their family. Women who do go forward and get a higher education even if it’s just an Associate degree are better off financially. On average women who graduate with two-year degrees are earning an average salary of $34,960, and some earn significantly more (O’Shaughnessy, 2012). With a 4 year degree they can start off in the low 40’s (O’Shaughnessy, 2012). In the long run 4 year degrees tend to pay off the best for single mothers not only do they make more but better opportunities. Although there are some two year degrees can pay out too. A lot of degree’s in the medical field like nursing start to pay out after you have a 2 year degree but once you hit the 4 year degree your salary can increase tremendously (O’Shaughnessy 2012). Getting an education gives you a chance to move forward in life it also gives you opportunities that you would not have before. Now day’s jobs seek only those with a degree whereas before you could get into places without it now they demand it. Although it’s still possible to make a good living without a degree you are better off in the economy today to get one. Over the years more and more programs have been put out there to help aid single mothers. These programs promote education and show them their dream can become a reality. When a single mother who makes $22,000 a year looks at college and sees one class cost anywhere from 400-1200 a class they don’t think it will ever be possible (Walton 2012). Many programs have been put into place though to help them through this rough patch in life and help them achieve their goals. San Joaquin Delta College has a grant in place called the Cal Grant this grant covers as much as 50 percent of your cost for school† (Parrish, 2013). In order to receive this grant you must have a certain GPA. Another one of their programs they have which helps pay for tuition makes you be involved in the community programs to be eligible. Another great program that college also has is miracle mile association which helps single mothers though college with private donations. Another great program that was started at this college by a student who received the miracle mile was the Dome of Hope. Gwendolyn Primous was a student who got the grant and got inspiration to help others achieve the same goal of getting a higher education. Gwendolyn Primous stated: â€Å"I want to help people,† she said. I want to help them with their education and provide mobile tutoring. I want to help prepare people for work and break the cycles of habitual unemployment and working the system† (Parrish, 2013). It’s because of people like her who have been in the shoes and walked the life of poverty that understand the importance of these programs and the need to have them in place. Another great grant that has been offered to students who have overcome social and economic obstacles to obtain a higher education is the CONNTAC inc scholarship (Helen. 009). It provided students with 10,000 dollars to obtain a higher education. This program sees the obstacles one faces in order to get where they are and they want to help make the path easier by helping financially. A program called the Jeremiah Program has been put into place to allow single parents to achieve a higher education and fight the poverty they have been living in. This program was developed in 1998 with the philosophy â€Å"that mothers who succeed can life entire families out of poverty† (Quinton 2013). They have living quarters for these women to live in during their education and the women who start out there make no more than ten bucks and hour but after graduation they are making almost twenty dollars an hour. It’s amazing what this program does for these women. This program not only gives them an education, but a better life for their children and family. There are many other grants out there for single mothers people just have to look and have to want to do all the paperwork to get them. Another well-known program is Pell-Grants. These are based on your income and do not have to be paid back. The max Pell-grant is 5500 a year, although this is not enough to pay for college it can sure help along the way and cut down on the amount you have to pay† (Parrish, 2013). Last would be government subsidized and un-subsidized loans these are loans that are not based on your credit and can help you pay for your books, tuition and college related expenses. The key though is they do have to be paid back and the interest on these loans does add up. There are several ways to pay for college and many financial advisors out there to help you achieve the goal you just have to want to do it. These forms of loans can add up fast and when you have to repay them after college you can find yourself in a bit of a bind with the interest rates. It’s good to have these as a backup but grants and scholarships are always a better route to go. As post-secondary education is not always the easiest to achieve it is something that once you earn it no one can take it away. Zahn found in his studies in 2004 that those who go forth to get a 4 year degree improve the economic status for single mothers (Zahn 2004). Due to the amount of single mothers more and more studies have been done to show the importance of higher educations. With the advanced career more jobs will be offered to you. If you have a degree you are more likely to be chosen for an interview than someone who just has a high school diploma. The employer looks at those candidates as someone with specific expertise in that field. When it comes between degree or no degree employers see the candidate as someone who is goal orientated and someone who will succeed because degrees are not just handed out. By obtaining the higher education you will be looked at in new ways and have a better chance at a better job. Statistics just another word for a set of numbers people fall into on a daily basis. The U. S. Census Bureau found that women are becoming the lead breadwinners for their families (U. S. Census 2011). Of these female readwinners two thirds are single mothers (Rampell 2013). â€Å"The single mom statistics which was carried out in the United States reveal that there are almost 13. 7 million single parents as of November 2009. These single parents are responsible for providing for around 21. 8 million children. Out of this figure an estimated 26% are of age 21† (U. S Census Bureau of 2009. ) With these numbers being so high it covers a large percent of our population. Single mothers are hardworking i ndividuals that if given the right opportunities can go far in life. With all the new programs they have out to help single mothers go to college and achieve a higher education it’s sad more people don’t jump on the band wagon and stick to it. A lot of people find excuses and I feel they truly don’t want to better their lives. Out of 12. 2 million single parent families in 2012, more than 80% were headed by single mothers (US Census Bureau, 2009). With single mother hood on the rise its our job to open their eyes and see the benefits of achieving a higher education and the opportunities that will be available if they are to achieve this goal. There are many ways we can help single mothers walk across that stage and reach that ultimate goal. Donations are always a great way to get there. Most the time single moms don’t go back to school because funds are tight and they can’t afford to take care of children and get an education. With donations to programs like miracle mile association women are able to go back to school and get that education they deserve and their children are able to have a more financially stable house hold. It’s never easy no matter what age you go back to school but just knowing your cost are taken care of is a huge burden lifted so you can focus more on the education and less on the how am I going to pay for it. Another great way we can help is to make people more aware of these programs because a lot of people don’t know they exist. Spread the word and let people know that this goal can be achieved in these little steps. Also being a support network for someone who has gone back to school can be a big help too because it is scary and it is hard to get back into the swing of things, but with help it is possible.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Convergence of the Twain Analysis Essay

The Convergence of the Twain Rewrite Intimated in Hardy’s pindaric ode entitled â€Å"The Convergence of the Twain† is an attitude of melancholy. While this poem is sad, it appears that Hardy also employs his work to revisit a common theme in his works and a strong belief in his life: marriage. The poem seems to carry the metaphor of marriage and the metonymy of the Titanic. Then later demonstrating the sundering of this idea. It is no secret that Hardy does not agree with marriage. In another piece of his work, Jude the Obscure, he states â€Å"Marriage is marriage†, and getting out of it is both extremely difficult and also immoral. In stanza seven Hardy describes the ship as â€Å"her† and that a â€Å"sinister mate† was being prepared for her. Illustrating both sides of a marriage. Sinister seems the perfect way to describe Hardy’s attitude to the work and the idea as a whole. The stanzas appear to represent boats or ships at the start of the poem. As the reader continues to each stanza, he can see that each stanza becomes a little more deshevelled. Until the stanzas become completely disjointed. This represents the ship hitting the iceberg and cracking, and eventually splitting. Throughout the work Hardy alludes to fate. Listing key words such as, † thread†, â€Å"fashioning†, â€Å"Immanent Will†, and most importantly, â€Å"Till the Spinner.† â€Å"The Spinner† is referring to the third fate: Clotho. This fate spins the thread of life. â€Å"Till the Spinner of the Years Said â€Å"Now!† And each one hers, And consummation comes, and jars two hemispheres† This quote coming from the last stanza of the poem demonstrates Hardy’s lack of optimism for marriage. It also establishes when the Titanic struck the iceberg that it devestated two hemispheres and will stand as a depressing

Constitution Dbq

A few hundred years ago, a large group of men gathered in one big room to establish a Constitution that would lay down the basic set up of the United States of America. This new constitution covered everything from government to the rights of all the citizens of America. Thomas Jefferson, who was not part of the creation of the Constitution, said that all the good that is in the new Constitution was accomplished by amending the Articles of Confederation. Shortly after the Articles of Confederation was created, the creators of the document realized that the newly found country was running as smoothly as planned.The Articles did not cover everything necessary to ensure a well balanced country. With thirteen states independent, rebellion started to break out. So when they got together to write the Constitution, they had to look at the faults in the Articles and determine what needed to change. Whether it was giving Congress more power, establishing a military, or having the states only hold enough power to deal with local matter, if this country wanted to prosper, the Articles of Confederation had to be amended.The writers of the Constitution didn't want too much power to go to a single group in the government, so they set up a three branch system to ensure that not one branch had to much power. After the Articles were written, states were using their power to try to gain more and the balance was broken, so by amending the Articles, the balance could be restored. The first branch was the Legislative branch, which was made of of the Congress. The problem was that congress had been set up with proportional representation and the smaller states weren't happy about that.So it was decided that Congress be split into two branches, House of Representatives (which was based on proportion) and the Senate (which every state had representatives in) and this satisfied all the states, big and small. The reason that all these compromises had to be made was because the Articles did not give everyone equal share so the states were not happy and therefore they rebelled. With the Constitution being written to help every state equally, a well balanced government was put into play. The second branch of the government that they set up was the Executive ranch, which was made up of the newly founded President and Vice President. This was different from the Articles because originally there was no figurehead in government, but the Constitution out in play the role of a man who would control one branch of the government and balance out the shaky governmental issues. The role of the President is to veto laws made by the legislative branch of the government, he appoints other positions in the government and also deals with foreign treaties. This was an amendment to the Articles that would not strike rebellion or unsettle the states.The final branch of government that was set up by the constitution was the Judicial branch. This was the branch that interprets the law up on those in the country who break them. It was a court system set up by smaller courts that dealt with minor or local crimes and then the supreme court that dealt with crimes to the government, or serious affairs. The reason that this was a good thing to change from the Articles, was now that there are laws set, there is also a system in which to punish those who feel the need to break them.With this three branch system, the government would be very strong, and would not anger the United States. The writers of the Constitution knew that, like the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution would not be a perfect document and that problem with the way it is set up might appear in the future so they wrote it very loosely. The Constitution was set up so that amendments could be made, the same way they were made to the Articles. If something in the constitution needed to be amended, the Legislative branch would create the amendment, then if the Executive branch didn't agree, they would veto it.If all went well then the amendment would be made and the Judicial branch would interpret the amendment to the country. The Constitution was well thought out when being written. The last thing that was added to the constitution was the Bill of Rights, which ten of the most important rights given to Americans. Whether it was the freedoms of speech, press, or religion, the writers of the Constitution wanted all men to have their rights to living in freedom. Giving set rights of Americans was never established in the original Articles of Confederation.The Articles of Confederation were created very loosely and with many flaws. It was not well thought out and had many issues that would bring the citizens of America to unrest. When writing the Constitution, the writers had to look back on the Articles of Confederation and review the problems in the construction of the document, and assessed the issues in it. The Constitution was such a success because it amended the unsuccessful Articles of Confederation. Constitution Dbq DBQ: How Did the Constitution Guard Against Tyranny? Americans desperately fought against tyranny with the best weapon they had, the Constitution. During the colonial times, King George III demanded many things from the colonists that were living in the Americas. This was caused by the aftermath of the French and Indian War. This caused increasing debts for the King and England; therefore the King was forced to raise the taxes of America and England. This increase in tax made the Americans angry which caused more events to unravel.After many different battles between King George III and America, America declared its independence on July 4, 1776. After this declaration, many things began to heat up over the representation in government. Tyranny was mentioned many times during the course of these events, causing the creation of the Constitution. The Constitution guarded against tyranny in four ways: federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, and big states versus small stat es/The Great Compromise. One part of the Constitution that helped the Americas was federalism.Document A shows that the first step the framers of the Constitution took to protect the Americas from tyranny was using a form of government called Federalism. James Madison’s idea for division of power between central and state governments is known as Federalism. (Doc A). From the chart in Document A, you will notice that this clearly prevents tyranny from happening. The powers that are needed to run a country are given to the federal government such as declaring war, coining money, and conducting foreign relations. (Doc A).Also, powers that are needed for a state are given, such as holding election and regulating in-state businesses. (Doc A). Powers that are needed by both state and federal law are shared. This prevents tyranny from happening because the states can’t take control of federal powers, and the federal government can’t take control of state powers. They c an only take the power shared and the powers that each of them own. The second step the framers took to protect us from tyranny was to divide the central government into three branches.The section in Document B taken from the Constitution shows the three branches of government and their powers. James Madison said, â€Å" The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elected, may be justly pronounced the very definition of tyranny. † (Doc B). The Constitution clearly does not put the powers of legislative, executive, and judiciary in one or many hands.All branches have split power. The legislative branch can only have the powers of Congress. (Doc B). The executive branch has powers vested within the president. (Doc B). Lastly, the judicial branch has its powers vested in the highest court of the nation, the Supreme Court. As you can see, the Constitution preve nts any branch to gain power from other branches. The framers of the Constitution created a clever way to prevent tyranny of one branch over other branches, with a system of check and balances.James Madison said, â€Å"The constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices in such a manner as that they may be a check on the other. † (Doc C). The diagram shows the branches have checks on each other. If the president tries to take power of another branch, the legislative branch can then impeach the president. (Doc C). This is the check of the legislative branch on the executive branch. Each branch has a check of every other branch, so if one branch is doing something wrong, another branch can check the wronged branch, and fix the problem.This explains how another branch can’t take full control and there is always going to be equal checks and balances. One of the last things the framers of the Constitution did to make sure no tyranny would arise was to make sure th e smaller states got a fair vote in Congress. In the Constitutional Convention, two plans were proposed called the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan. The Virginia Plan was favored by the large states and was based on population. The New Jersey Plan favored the small states and gave each state an equal amount of votes.Eventually after all the arguing, they came up with something called the Great Compromise. This proposed Congress would be composed of the Senate and The House of Representatives. The House of Representatives is based on population, which provides fairness to large states. (Doc D). On the other hand, the Senate has two representatives from each state, which provides fairness to the smaller states. (Doc D). Unquestionably, this provides fairness among both large and small states, taking a closer step to ridding tyranny.To sum it up, the framers of the Constitution protected us from the evil of tyranny using the four methods, Federalism, dividing the government into t hree branches, a system of checks and balances, and preventing large states from creating tyranny over the small states in Congress. James Madison said, â€Å"The accumulation of power in the same hands whether of one, a few, or many, is the very definition of tyranny,† and the Constitution does a great job of preventing that. The framers succeeded in creating a strong built Constitution because all four methods have created security that no tyrant or tyranny would arise.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Contemporary issues in management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4

Contemporary issues in management - Essay Example Business enterprises are primarily responsible for generating profit and creating wealth but being a social entity, it has certain responsibility towards the society. The societal responsibilities that are pursued by companies comprise development of social equity and taking measures for environment safety and sustainability. Another contribution of business towards the society is developing better quality of life and standard of living for people. However, in this regard, mass scale debate has been observed between social and economic benefits of a business (Weber, 2008). The paper discusses convergence of social and economic benefits with respect to various CSR theories. Alongside, the implication of CSR has been evaluated in organisational framework of Sainsbury. In the critical discussion, the social, ethical and environmental contribution of the company will be analysed and also the concept of ‘greenwashing’ will be explored and examined in perspective of Sainsbury. Sainsbury PLC is one of the leading retailers in the United Kingdom food industry and over the time, the company has diversified in other non-food sector such as banking and financial services as well. Sainsbury is presently a world renowned brand having more than 1200 stores. The company operates by means of its convenience stores, online stores and the UK based supermarkets. The food business of Sainsbury has been diversified to accommodate other offerings such as clothing and general merchandise. The company also operate in property development sector by means of joint ventures (Sainsbury, 2014a). Sainsbury is a renowned brand in the UK and conducts its operation through 592 supermarkets and 611 local convenience stores. It was determined that the corporation generates more than  £1 billion revenue from its online sales. The company operates with more than 2100 food suppliers and 1300 non-food suppliers for serving consumers with large variety of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Health - Essay Example ling students that if we want to go for a monthly pregnancy test we visit a gynecologist and tell various other designations related to the field of medicine. Give students a fortnight to complete their task and ensure that every kind of help they might need will be appreciated. Keep students morale high by asking about their background knowledge of the subject. By encouraging their effort. By providing a healthy environment in which they don’t feel insecure. Also, make sure that every student participates in the class. Before starting the video ask questions about the topic. Ask questions in such a way that students try to be productive in a class. Try keeping the attention of children by making it fun but avoid using open words, keep intact. Don’t use unnecessary details. If you are talking about prosthetics, try using such words that are understandable by every student. If you are telling about birth control pills make sure that it must not be a challenge for other student that follows different society. Providing extra knowledge helps student to learn more. Advances in the field can be shown by using different animations and websites. Children relate to cartoons and videos and sound effects more than a mere lecture by a teacher Use your own knowledge, you are the teacher and you should be familiar enough with various techniques and approaches used in surgery and reproductive health. Share stories or insight from latest cases. Share personal experiences in a professional manner. Always give your students some extra knowledge of the subject. Conclude the topic in more generative way. Don’t use conventional methods. Always use such methods that influence students. Remember to make the conclusion discussion based so the output from the children can be recorded. Children need to be vocal about such educations and need to know right from wrong and should be able to remember the lesson in long term life for practical

Sunday, October 6, 2019

GBS---JP MORGAN CHASE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

GBS---JP MORGAN CHASE - Essay Example Several factors such as business laws, political stability, economical stability, information and communication technology, social activities and cultural practices affect the business environment and some of these factors are difficulty to analyze since they occur at the global and large scale levels. The strategy is a worldwide analysis of various areas and regions as new market to be exploited to increase their profitability through international diversification. It involves coming up with authority structures along with function of the organization that may include managerial designs, organizational structures, supervision resources and employees and executive’s competence, interactions with the subsidiary of the organizations and managing strategy (The Strategic Management Society, n.y.) The analysis helps the managers understand the internal and external environmental factors that affect the operation of the organization as well as how the organization interact with thes e environmental factors in order to improve its efficiency by evaluation of the available data, and identification of environmental aspects to be analyzed through SWOT investigations, Porter’s five forces examinations, value chain studies, PEST investigations among others (Downey 2007, P 3). This paper will critically evaluate the internalization strategy of JP Morgan Chases. History of JP Morgan Chase The origin this organization can be traced back to the year 1971 when it was started as Drexel, Morgan & Co as an agent for European executives and investors in United States America, later the company grew to a well-established private and foreign bank with wide customer base. The company has undergone a lot of changes and expansion through acquisition and merger to form the current JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase is the biggest banking organization in United States of America with about 1.56 trillion in US dollars Asset base and 123.2 billion in US dollars in form of Equity (Datamonitor 2010, P. 33). JP Morgan Chase is a United States of America based financial institution with its headquarters in New Yolk that was created subsequent to the merger of Chase Manhattan and J.P. Morgan (Marcial 2001, P. 107) to form a strong company at time when there was prediction that the economy will improve. The merger has impacted positively on the performance and valuation of the company (Bernstein research 2001, P. 67).The company offer financial services such as asset management, commercial banking services, government bonds and treasury, investments banking, securities and shares services and cash deposited and withdrawal banking services through various divisions’ and subsidiaries to its customers across the globe in more than sixty countries for more than two hundred years. The company vision is to help its customers to become financially independent through management and planning of their wealth and operates in United States of America, Middle East, Eu rope and Africa and has 261,453 across the globe. (MarketLine 2012, P. 3). The company recorded growth of 7.6 percent in their working profit and 9.2 percent in their net profit for the physical year that ended in December 2012 (MarketLine 2012, P. 3). The company has a strategy to overturn their performance and also